Monday, October 15, 2012


Hello again!

As I mentioned in my last post that we had finally taken the plunge and purchased our first home!

We have spent most of this year looking and dreaming about our family home... my dreams were vastly different to my hubbies! :/

Our house is the second we have had under contract in as many months with the first one not coming back with a satisfactory building and pest :(
I have been the primary negotiator in everything and it has taught me A LOT about sales people and myself!!!

I ALWAYS get asked all the time if I live at 1 ruby road (no I don't!) but I couldn't resist looking up houses for (crosses fingers) that last time for a while and here's what I uncovered!

Houses of 1 ruby road!

Houses of 1 Ruby road!!!!

How CUTE are they??? Totally up my ally or road ;)
Can't wait to share pics of our little 60s cottage in the next month...(once the tenant is out)
Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Long time no speak

Good morning lovelies!

A Lot has happened since my last post!!!
To much to go into great detail over except to reiterate... GET REGULAR PAP SMEARS!!!
(and make sure you don't have your nickers in your dress!!)  ;)

I did previously make a vow to you all to keep my blog updates more regular...
didn't do very well did I?!! :/

Most of us handmaidens that use facebook as a selling and communication tool will be telling you of the changes to facebook, and the detriment it's having to us all. So I have promised myself I will not let my little 1 ruby road disappear into oblivion nor will I let my fellow business/hobbyists either!
I plan to blog a minimum of twice per week...
Some post will be business related, Some will be showcasing other businesses....
And some will be about me, my family life and goings on!... after all I am the queen of the over share! ;)

I plan to be doing tutes for you all on various things....
having guest tutorials and appearances also.

I hope to be sharing PLENTY of DIY tutorials for around the home soon....
as we have just negotiated the purchase of our first home! SCARY and exciting!!!
It's a fixer upper so there will be plenty of topics for me to be talking about! Eeeek!

I have also been waiting to launch our next mama skirt photo competition. I have just linked a subscribe button to my facebook page HERE so if you subscribe there will be more details regarding that emailed SOON!

So here's to the next stage in my little humble life...
hope you come along for the ride with us by subscribing to us via email and our blog!!

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